With only 10 days left of my self-imposed dating hiatus I decided this morning that it is acceptable to start some window shopping so I hopped online to check out the late-summer inventory. Almost immediately I found a fella too damn fine for his own good. As we got to chatting I discovered this guy was interesting, funny, witty and intelligent in addition to being a fox. When he asked me to get a drink later this week I gave myself permission to break my hiatus without consequence or guilt. I had not exactly been seeking a date but it felt right to say yes.
An hour after we decided on a day, time and spot to meet for drinks I received a text message from him that said, “Sorry for the quick and weird turnaround. I don’t think we will be getting that drink this week after all. Good luck out there.” Confusion and paranoia set in. What had I done? What hadn’t I done? The scenarios are endless and my nagging question about why he changed his mind will remain forever unanswered.
But lucky for me several hours after this happening my gal pal and I ventured to a special place at sunset where I realized that we don’t need romance when there are sunflower fields.
As I stood in the midst of hundreds of sunflowers almost as tall as I with the striking sunset behind the craggy mountains my heart felt full of love, my spirit felt full of beauty and my mind felt peaceful and at ease. What we seek in romantic relationships is connection, companionship, love and comfort. But what I felt standing in that sunflower field was a connection to Mother Nature, companionship with my good friend, love for the stunning beauty that this world has to offer and comfort knowing there is always a force greater than myself at work in the universe.
Who needs romance when there are sunflower fields? Not me. Not today, anyway.

If only the joyous moments in life could be captured in a bottle….